Monday, November 9, 2009

Chiba, Full Circle

As has been true of all our Rotary GSE destinations, I too love Narita! I am very happy to begin and end our adventures in this city. We have come full circle in so many ways...

Wonderful people...

Fierce Fun...

Fantastic Food

Opportunities to get in the poop, I mean coop...well same difference!

Did I mention the food?

Thank you Rotary and our many hosts to date! I look forward to the last couple days of our amazing experience. Stay tuned! There is more to come...

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Michelle is connected!

I am reconnected and able to update the blog. Time is flying!! Wonderful times in our last stop in the Kashiwa area. We were able to visit Kikkoman and stay overnight in a buddhist temple. The ladies also visited a salon, got our hair done and then put on the kimonos for a Rotary party.

Peggy, Elizabeth and I don the Kimonos.

Zen at the Buddhist temple gardens.