Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Our team met on Sunday (09/20/09) at the Park Towne offices, which has become our regular meeting spot. A couple previous meetings have ended with lunch at Sushi Muramoto - not this time though, as we met later in the evening. We all gathered around my laptop and had Stephen join us via Skype, which worked nicely!

Translations for our presentation are underway and now the team has the task of learning the presentations we all created in Japanese. Thank goodness for our translator, who has recorded mp3 files of the presentations and provided phoenetic copies as well.

Our departure date is quickly approaching...22 days!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

I am happy to report that the Rotary District 6250 GSE team, bound for Japan, is off to a great start! Our team has had the opportunity now to meet on four different occasions and we are getting to know each other better everyday. As team members who only just met just recently, we come to this experience with diverse backgrounds and experiences; but, one thing we all have in common is our excitement about the upcoming trip to Japan! It's exciting to see everything coming together. We all possess very different skills and this is evident because whenever a need arises, we always seem to have a team member who can fill the need.

Team members include: Stephen, Michelle, Rudy and Elizabeth; and we can't forget our fearless leader, Peggy! I've learned so far that if you have a technical question you can rely on Rudy, who is also a pilot! Stephen is a great resource when it comes to Japanese culture or language since he spent a year in Japan AND his family runs a food business, so he knows a thing or two about that as well. Elizabeth is a fantastic conversationalist, marathon runner, and world traveler; she was the last member to join our team, but certainly not the least! Peggy, well she is a fantastic artist and also has the title of "fearless leader" for a reason. It comforts me to know that we have a team of people who compliment each other so nicely and bring a wide variety of experiences and personalities to the group.

As I write this, we are all busy preparing our packing lists and presentation, working on our Japanese language skills, learning about Japanese culture, and much, much more. All I can say is - what a fantastic experience...and we haven't even left yet!
